Many patients have been discouraged by the inability of Western Medicine to treat and cure most chronic conditions, such as headaches, back pain, pain associated with varicose veins, infertility, etc. Eastern Medicine consists of Acupuncture enhanced by Herbal Treatements, Moxibustion, Cupping, Electro-stimulation and Tuina Medical Massage. Those methods have been shown to achieve significant improvements and often complete cure of patients' conditions.
Acupuncture care helps to relieve symptoms and signs of many health problems. It can also uncover the underlying root cause(s)
of those symptoms. The goal of this dynamic and integrated health care system is to activate the natural, self-healing abilities of the body. It can also
strengthen and support the body to prevent future illness and disease.
Acupuncture is safe, natural, drug-free and effective. The perfect way to get well and stay healthy!
Einstein showed us that everything is made of, and radiates energy. This subtle form of energy supports, shapes and enlivens our physical body and activates our lives.
For the past 3,000 years, practitioners of acupuncture have called this intelligent energy Qi (pronounced "chee").
Numerous cultures have described this energy and called it by many names: prana, baraka, pneuma, spirit, wakan, material force, vital force, orgone, ether and ruach.
Qi is a combination of energies, mixed together from our food, air and inherited constitution. Qi provides the power to accomplish everyday activities. It is necessary for growth, development, movement, maintenance of body temperature, protection against illness and disease, and overall regulation of the body. Our health is influenced by the quality, quantity and balance of Qi.
Ancient practitioners said: "When Qi gathers, the physical body is formed; when Qi dIsperses, the body passes on."
Whenever a river flows, it carries water that provides nourishment and sustencance for life on our planet.
Similarly, meridians are the rivers where Qi flows inside of us.
Qi flows through meridians as an invisible current, energizing, nourishing and supporting every cell, tissue, muscle, organ and gland.
"Meridians not only feed vital energies to their related organs, they also reflect any pathological disturbance in those organs, thus providing a convenient and highly accurate tool for diagnosis as well as therapy"
-Daniel Reid, Gurading the Three Treasures
Health is an inner resiliency that allows you to meet the demands of life. Being in a state of heath helps you thrive in the face of environmental, physical, emotional and mental stress.
When Qi is balanced and flowing freely the body's natural self-healing abilities are activated, enabling internal stabilbity and harmony to occur. The body will flourish, and true health and well being can be achieved.
Different stresses affect meridians and organ systems in different ways, disrupting or blocking Qi flow.
If a garden hose is blocked,it, cannot provide an adequate supply of water to a plant. EventuaIly, the plant will be unable to thrive, grow and bIossom.
Likewise, a blockage in the meridians will restrict the supply of Qi required to nourish and support the cells, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands.
This blockage can manifest"into various signs and symptoms.
Over time, the body as a whole becomes weakened, unbalanced and its self-healing abilities are compromised. Eventually, it becomes susceptible to pain, disease, stress, anxiety and poor health.
Acupuncture is recognized by leading national and international organizations to be effective in the treatment of a variety of medical problems, including:
Digestion issues
Osteoarthritis and joint pain
Menstrual irregularities and menopause